In the dynamic world of fintech, where digital presence and physical branding must seamlessly coalesce, Soldo faced a unique challenge. Their digitally optimized logo, vibrant and dynamic online, encountered practical hurdles in the physical realm of print.
Soldo had carved a niche in the financial tech space with their innovative expense management solutions. However, their vibrant online presence was let down by print material that couldn't capture the gradient finesse of their digital logo. The challenge was to adapt the logo for print without diluting the impact seen digitally, ensuring brand consistency across all platforms.
TIN ROBOT approached the challenge with an eye for detail, unrivalled knowledge of graphic design, and a deep understanding of print dynamics. We acknowledged the importance of maintaining Soldo’s digital essence while crafting a print-friendly logo. Our solution retained the integrity of the original design, yet reworked the gradient to translate seamlessly to physical media.
The process was a delicate balance of colour, contrast, gradient meshes and branding know-how. We created a version of the Soldo logo that maintained its digital vibrancy while being versatile enough for various print formats. From T-shirts and event displays to comms print and their Soldo company cards, the reworked logo stood up to the rigours of physical branding without losing the appeal seen online.
Soldo's brand now flourishes in both realms – the boundless digital and the tactile print. With TIN ROBOT's expertise, Soldo's visual identity is now as fluid as their services, leaving a tangible impression on every material and at every event.
- Graphic Design
- Print Design
- Print Management
- Merchandise
- Digital Design Assets
- Video